Have you ever had really unpleasant heel pain and then gone to a medical professional who told you that you had Plantar Fasciitis and then gave you an orthotic or an insole or a boot or something to wear to immobilize your foot to treat that?

If so, you may have been misled twice. And we’re going to find out more including a natural way to address plantar fasciitis on today’s episode of the Movement Movement, the podcast for people who want to have happy, healthy, strong bodies.

If you want to be part of the tribe, please subscribe. And what that means. Part of the tribe is simple. We are trying to make, and by we, I mean mostly me trying to make natural movement, the obvious better healthy choice, the way that natural food currently is. We want you to use your feet, let them bend and flex and move and feel the world. Feet are your foundation and we want to have a nice strong foundation.

If you have any requests or any questions or anyone who you think should be on the show, drop an email to [email protected], or you can post it in any of those other places. We’ll see that too.

Links Mentioned in Podcast:


Ebook – How to Treat Plantar Fasciitis Naturally:



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