As we come to the end of our second season, I wanted to share with you the episode with the MOST downloads, not only in Season Two, but in Season One as well. I want to thank you for listening to the show these last two seasons and hope you will stick with me as we enter Season Three with more insights to natural movement and amazing new interviews to help support you in having a happy, healthy, strong body. Starting with the feet first, because those things are your foundation.
Exercise LESS and Get MORE Gains?
Could the secret to getting stronger and fitter be doing less than you ever thought was realistic or possible, or made any sense whatsoever? Maybe. We’re going to find out today on this episode of The MOVEMENT Movement podcast. I’m Steven Sashen from, the host of this podcast. And today I am speaking to Tim Anderson and Dani Almeyda of
The Dumbest Natural Movement Research EVER
The woman and man that I’m going to be chatting with in this podcast are doing the stupidest research in the history of human biomechanical research. And what can we learn about natural movement from people who don’t move naturally at all? We’re going to find out both of those things on today’s episode of The MOVEMENT Movement podcast.
Dr. Irene Davis’ Change of Heart From Orthotics to Natural Foot Movement
How can someone who not only makes orthotics basically for a living, but teaches other people how to do that, have a change of heart, and become the preeminent expert in minimalist footwear and natural movement? You’re about to find out on today’s episode of The MOVEMENT Movement, the podcast for people who want to know the truth about what it takes to have a happy, healthy, strong body.