Posted in: Podcast Season 3

The Best and WORST Shoes to Wear with Orthotics

What’s the worst shoe that you could wear if you’re wearing orthotics? And, what’s the best shoe that you can wear if you’re wearing orthotics? If you’re going to wear orthotics or insoles, you need to be very careful about what you’re putting them in. Because, if you put them in the wrong shoe, it can make whatever situation you’re dealing with, worse.

Posted in: Podcast Season 2

Dr. Irene Davis’ Change of Heart From Orthotics to Natural Foot Movement

How can someone who not only makes orthotics basically for a living, but teaches other people how to do that, have a change of heart, and become the preeminent expert in minimalist footwear and natural movement? You’re about to find out on today’s episode of The MOVEMENT Movement, the podcast for people who want to know the truth about what it takes to have a happy, healthy, strong body.

Posted in: Podcast Season 1


Over the years, I spent thousands of dollars on orthotics and inserts, that I put in my shoes to try to make my feet feel better, to make it more comfortable for me to walk and run, take stress off my ankles, my knees, my hips, and my back. Did they work? Let’s find out. Welcome to The MOVEMENT Movement podcast, the podcast where you really want to know the truth about how to have a happy, healthy, strong body and to let your body do what it likes to do best, and that is move.